History of brass
Before we getting into the middle of how brass instruments and brass music originated we need to cover the basics of what a brass instrument actually is. A brass instrument is defined as an “aerophone,” In layman’s terms its an instrument you need to blow into.Whoever was playing would buzz they’re lips into the cup shaped mouth piece.
It doesn’t mean “aerophones” are only made of brass, since instruments that are made of other materials like ,animal bone horns or wooden flutes are included in the genre of brass instruments. On the same note some instruments such as the saxophone are not in the same category of instruments.
Brass has been around a long time, during the time of the Renaissance (about 1400s), the first snake shaped trumpet had been formed of brass, later collapsed into the folded trumpet and slide trumpet. This lead to many great discoveries, such as the Trombone from the slide trumpet.
The 16th Century started to see some major changes in the design of brass instruments. Around 1651, instrument producers in Nuremberg improved the flow of the natural valveless trumpet to function much better in the higher overtones.
The 19th Century saw the most amount of books and design blueprints instruments up to this moment., it was near 1831 when a German valve trumpet was brought to france where it was manufactured and profits began to soar. Hector Berlioz was the first known composer to use this instrument in his overture toLes frans-juges.
Sometime near 1892 the modern form of the orchestral trumpet became more accepted in the general population. In US, U.K, and the France piston valves were generally used.
The 20th Century and BeyondBrass music and instruments had sprung into the 20th century like a wild lion. The Belgian agency of Mahillon manufactured a small piccolo B flat trumpet around 1905.Major composers continued to increase the use in there demonstrations.
Sometime around 1930 the jazz styles introduced the trumpet and the trombone to many new audiences and began to change how European art Inspired many composers. Trumpeter Louis Armstrong and trombonist Tommy Dorsey are only two of the jazz brass players who really set the standard for brass instruments and jazz style of play.
Artists and Instrument innovators continue to evolve and grow music still today. New designs are implemented and release every so many years, new art is written for brass instruments, and many Brass Players continue to cease and amaze.There is no limit of what is considered playable on the brass instruments. interested? Stop over to my website, we soon will be stocking top shelf Brass Instruments
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