How to clean your Trumpet
Cleaning your trumpet is a fundamental part of any trumpeter. If you want your Trumpet to sound its best and last, you need to clean it occasionally. I generally recommend that my students clean their horns out once every 7-10 weeks. You should plan to spend around a half hour or so the first few times you clean your trumpet. As you get used to the routine, it will take you less time. I can usually do the job in about 15 minutes including set-up and clean-up.
Although I don’t give instructions for it here, you should also clean your mouthpiece out with a SuperSlick BMB Brass Mouthpiece Brush. You should do this more often than cleaning out your entire horn. Once a week is a good general rule.
- Sink or tub filled with moderately warm water — not hot, not too cold to be uncomfortable (I normally use a kitchen sink, but a bathtub or laundry tub works too…you need a area large enough to fit your trumpet and mostly submerge it. I Add a small amount of dish soap, dish-washing soap, not dishwasher detergent, which can damage the plating)
- Snake, for cleaning slides and lead-pipe tubing.
- Valve casing brush, for cleaning the valve casings (I prefer the H.W. Brass Saver Trumpet Cleaning Brushes for this)
- Lubricants (slide grease, valve oil).
Shown here from left to right: HW Brass Saver valve casing brush and snake, regular snake, and regular valve casing brush.
Once you’ve got everything in place, Begin disassembling your trumpet. Start by removing the valves and setting them aside in a safe place.
Next, remove all the slides. In the picture below you can see my trumpet with the valves and slides removed. You can see the first, second and third valve slides, as well as the main tuning slide. If your trumpet is a Bach Stradavarius Bb, the 3rd valve slide can be separated into two additional parts
BE CAREFUL WHEN REMOVING SLIDES If they’re stuck, don’t force them out, or use pliers or other tools. It’s really easy to pull the tubing apart in places you didn’t intend to (ie: at the solder joints) and spoil an otherwise good day. If you can’t pull the slide out with medium level effort, finish cleaning your trumpet and take it to a professional repair person to have the slides pulled.
Watch out for small parts that are easy to lose while you’re taking your trumpet apart, and set them aside in a safe place. These parts can include third valve slide stopper nuts and screws, bottom valve caps, clip-on pencil holders, etc.
Now that your trumpet is in pieces, it’s time to start cleaning. I like to start with the slides first, soaking them in the water for a minute, then pulling the snake or brass saver brush through the tubing:
After brushing out each of the slides, carefully rinse them with fresh water to remove all soap residue, then dry and set them on the towel.
Next, place the main body of your trumpet into the water. Make sure the tubing fills with water and let it soak for a couple minutes. Then, clean out the various tubes. I like to use the snake on the leadpipe, an the thin end of the Brass Saver valve casing brush on the smaller tubes that enter the valve casings. Finally, I use the big end of the valve casing brush on the valve casings.
After you finish cleaning all the tubing, you can empty the water from your sink and carefully rinse your trumpet body. I find your spray nozzle on my kitchen sink works great for this, but be carefull not to splash water all over the room!
Dry your trumpet and set it on a towel along with the slides. It can be helpful at this point to arrange the slides near the spots where they belong, especially if you’re new to your trumpet and aren’t totally sure where they go.
Before reinserting your slides, you’ll need to put some slide grease on them. I typically use two types of slide grease on my horns: For your main tuning slide I use Hetman Tuning Slide Gel, and for the first and third valve slides I use Hetman light side Lube#4. When you finish re-assembling your trumpet, it’s time to clean your valves. I like to use just a little dish soap and warm running water for this. It’s very important that you NOT get the top part of the valve wet! This is the part with your felt pads on it. If those felt pads get wet, they can compress and cause your valves to become misaligned. The only part of your valve that needs to be cleaned is the bottom section with the ports (those are the holes that line up with the various slides on your trumpet).
Be sure you rinse of all soapy water from your valves. DO NOT DRY YOUR VALVES! Drying your valves will leave lint or dirt on the surface of your valve which can make them stick later on. Put a few drops of oil on each valve and carefully place them in their proper place (for more information on this, see the article Brass Trumpets for sale.
At this time your trumpet should pratically look like new, put it together and she should sound like new.
What do you guys think? Drop a comment below about the first time you cleaned your trumpet. Did you figure it out on your own? Did you have some help? Maybe you made a mistake? Check out my new website for everything trumpet related!
What do you guys think? Drop a comment below about the first time you cleaned your trumpet. Did you figure it out on your own? Did you have some help? Maybe you made a mistake? Check out my new website for everything trumpet related!